New Arrivals from the House of Jaypee (Circulation 116)
Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Perineal Disorders
Dilip Kumar Dutta
ISBN: 9789351523093
Stream: Medical Subject: Obstetrics & Gynecology Category: Professional & Reference
Single Color/ Soft Cover/ 1/e, 2014/ 6.25" x 9.5"/ 58 Pages
- This book would help clinician to identify the recent advances in the procedure of repairing perineal tear without damaging the perineal anatomy and to identify early complication to prevent maternal mortality.
- Focuses on definition, risk factors, classification, indication of episiotomy, how to reduce and diagnose perineal trauma and its management.
- Discusses the role of laxative, future pregnancy including chapter on haemorrhoids, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG) and National Health Services (NHS) guidelines on use of lactulose.
- Essential reading for Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Nurses and widwives.
Clinical Examination:
Pocket Tutor
Peter Cartledge, et al.
ISBN: 9781907816758
Stream: Medical Subject: Internal Medicine/ Pediatrics Category: Undergraduate Supplementary Text
Full Color/ Soft Cover/ 1/e, 2014/ 4.5" x 7"/ 336 Pages
- The pocket tutor Clinical Examination is the perfect companion for medical students and junior clinicians.
- Practical guide to structuring a consultation, taking a history and examining a patient.
- Opening chapters give a handy overview of the general principles and techniques relevant to the examination of all patients.
- System-specific chapters recognise and relate symptoms and signs to anatomical landmarks and underlying physiology.
- Step-by-step description of examination techniques provides a framework for approaching the clinical examination with confidence.
Recent Advances in Histopathology-23
Massimo Pignatelli & Patrick Gallagher
ISBN: 9781907816857
Stream: Medical Subject: Pathology Category: Postgraduate Supplementary Text
Full Color/ Soft Cover/ 1/e, 2014/ 6.25" x 9.5"/ 192 Pages
- 13 chapters summarising important recent advances within the field of Histopathology.
- Practical and clinically relevant content, enhanced by key points for clinical practice at the end of each chapter.
- Covers variety of important topics, such as new concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of MALT lymphoma, Stratified Medicine for Cancer: The Role of the histopathologist and GMC revalidation in pathology.
- Enriched with full colour photographs throughout.
- All chapters are written by expert authors ensuring authoritative and accurate content.
- Effective revision tool for candidates preparing for postgraduate pathology examinations.
Principles & Practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology for Postgraduates
Narendra Malhotra, et al.
ISBN: 9789351521631
Stream: Medical Subject: Obstetrics & Gynecology Category: Postgraduate Core Text
Full Color/ Hardbound/ 4/e, 2014/ 8.5" x 11"/ 1408 Pages/ 232 Contributors
- Comprehensive and multi-contributor book.
- Contains all the latest available material and scientific evidences.
- Provides an in-depth, researched write-up on all the issues of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- Includes clinical experiences, situations and cases peculiar to our country.
- The main textbook for postgraduates in the field of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- It will be a referral guide for the busy practitioners.
Manual of Cardiology
Kanu Chatterjee
ISBN: 9789351521754
Stream: Medical Subject: Cardiology Category: Professional & Reference
Full Color/ Soft Cover/ 1/e, 2014/ 4.75" x 8.25"/ 878 Pages
- Manual of Cardiology provides an up-to-date, practical, and concise text on the evaluation, diagnosis, management, and prevention of a wide spectrum of cardiovascular disease.
- The advantages and disadvantages of diuretic therapy, vasodilators, neurohormone modulators, positive inotropic agents, antilipid, and antiplatelet agents have been discussed.
- The clinical pharmacology of these agents in the management of various cardiovascular disorders has been emphasized.
- Incorporates advances in the understanding of the genesis of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, in the techniques of electrophysiologic and the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment of arrhythmias.
- The diagnosis and management of valvular heart disease, heart failure, chemotherapy and radiation-induced cardiovascular disorders are discussed in detail.
- Modified guidelines for the management of angina, arrhythmias, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, and perioperative cardiac evaluations.
- This book provides the reader with easily accessible information in the most appropriate manner with numerous tables, figures and algorithms.
- The manual can serve as a quick reference or a stand-alone source with a focus on hands-on therapeutic guidance for the clinicians.
- Written by experts with an enormous cumulative experience, both in practise as well as research.