Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology
With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide
Neelam Vasudeva & Sabita Mishra
ISBN: 9789351523222
Stream: Medical Subject: Anatomy (Histology) Category: Undergraduate Core Text
Full Color/ Soft Cover/ 7/e, 2014/ 7.25" x 9.5"/ 500 Pages/ 472 Diagrams/ 155 Photographs
- An authoritative and bestselling book on Human Histology now in its 7th edition.
- Thoroughly edited and revamped contents.
- Presents complicated aspects of Neuroanatomy in an easy-to-understand language.
- Retains its strength of comprehensive and simple language.
- Chapters have been revised, updated and rearranged to provide an easy sequential learning to students.
- A Colour Atlas with more than 80 slides of histological importance along with their important features has been provided in the beginning of the book for the last minute revision and quick reference.
- Histological Plates have been added in each chapter.
- Plates are accompanied with photomicrographs, line drawings and salient features that are visible while examining under the microscope.
- All the diagrams are redrawn and many new illustrations have been added for better clinical understanding of basic concepts and easy reproducibility.
- Clinical Correlation and Pathological Correlation have been added at relevant places in each chapter, for building the interest of students in pathologies associated with various tissues.
- Advance information on various topics has been included as Added Information to cater to the needs of postgraduate students.
- A new chapter on Light Microscopy and Tissue Preparation has been added to acquaint the students with the basics of histology.
- In a Nutshell, presented in highlighted boxes for easy and quick recapitulation.
- Diagrams and slides are given parallerly for better understanding.
- Must-have book for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and teachers of Histology.
Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy
(Fundamental and Clinical)
Pritha S Bhuiyan, et al.
ISBN: 9789350905296
Stream: Medical Subject: Anatomy (Neuroanatomy) Category: Undergraduate Core Text
Full Color/ Soft Cover/ 9/e, 2014/ 8.5" x 11"/ 302 Pages/ 400 Diagrams/ 20 Photographs
- The present ninth edition of Inderbir Singh’s Neuroanatomy retains the fresh look of the previous edition.
- Best Selling and exam-oriented book presents complicated aspects of Neuroanatomy in an easy-to-understand language.
- A comprehensive rearrangement of chapters and new revised format make the learning easy and quick for student.
- Each chapter begins with Specific Learning Objectives (SLOs) to highlight the important concepts in the chapter.
- Important clinical conditions have been rewritten and added as Clinical Correlation in colored boxes.
- Validated Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with answers have been given at the end of each chapter for self-assessment by the students themselves.
- The chapter on ‘Imaging Technique of Central Nervous System’ is completely updated to make the students abreast with newer imaging techniques.
- New full color diagrams and photographs of Dissected and Plastinated specimen have been incorporated to make the book more reader-friendly.
- Many new relevant flowcharts and tables have been added for easy comprehension of concepts.
- This edition is enriched with more than 350 diagrams that are easy to reproduce in the examinations.
- Glossary of important terms and Eponyms has been given at the end of the book.
- Must-have book for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and teachers of Neuroanatomy.
Case Studies in Diabetic Foot
Ghanshyam Goyal
ISBN: 9789351523734
Stream: Medical Subject: Endocrinology & Diabetology/ Internal Medicine Category: Professional & Reference
Full Color/ Hardbound/ 1/e, 2014/ 212 Pages/ 6.5" x 9.5"/ 10 Diagrams/ 435 Photographs
- Detailed case studies to help the healthcare providers in the better understanding of the complex nature of diabetic foot in their day-to-day practice.
- Provides management options for different diabetic foot patients.
- Covers various natures of diabetic foot from neuropathic Unilateral & Bilateral Ulcers; ischemic cases to infected Diabetic Foot and Charcot’s foot, etc.
- Describes both easy-to-apply modalities and advanced modalities available in the prevention of Diabetic Foot.
- Cases are presented with multidisciplinary approach.
- Practical aspects enumerated in this book will help physician treating diabetes patients effectively in preventing and treating ulcers.
- Must-read case manual for diabetologist, general surgeon, plastic surgeon, vascular surgeon, interventional radiologist, orthopaedic surgeon, physician, podiatrist, orthotist, nursing staff and diabetic educator.
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